
See also

Configuration options
Configurable options for the nbconvert application
class nbconvert.exporters.Exporter(config=None, **kw)

Class containing methods that sequentially run a list of preprocessors on a NotebookNode object and then return the modified NotebookNode object and accompanying resources dict.

__init__(config=None, **kw)

Public constructor

  • config (Config) – User configuration instance.
  • **kw – Additional keyword arguments passed to parent __init__
from_notebook_node(nb, resources=None, **kw)

Convert a notebook from a notebook node instance.

  • nb (NotebookNode) – Notebook node (dict-like with attr-access)
  • resources (dict) – Additional resources that can be accessed read/write by preprocessors and filters.
  • **kw – Ignored
from_filename(filename, resources=None, **kw)

Convert a notebook from a notebook file.

  • filename (str) – Full filename of the notebook file to open and convert.
  • resources (dict) – Additional resources that can be accessed read/write by preprocessors and filters.
  • **kw – Ignored
from_file(file_stream, resources=None, **kw)

Convert a notebook from a notebook file.

  • file_stream (file-like object) – Notebook file-like object to convert.
  • resources (dict) – Additional resources that can be accessed read/write by preprocessors and filters.
  • **kw – Ignored
register_preprocessor(preprocessor, enabled=False)

Register a preprocessor. Preprocessors are classes that act upon the notebook before it is passed into the Jinja templating engine. preprocessors are also capable of passing additional information to the Jinja templating engine.

  • preprocessor (Preprocessor) – A dotted module name, a type, or an instance
  • enabled (bool) – Mark the preprocessor as enabled
class nbconvert.exporters.TemplateExporter(config=None, **kw)

Exports notebooks into other file formats. Uses Jinja 2 templating engine to output new formats. Inherit from this class if you are creating a new template type along with new filters/preprocessors. If the filters/ preprocessors provided by default suffice, there is no need to inherit from this class. Instead, override the template_file and file_extension traits via a config file.

  • add_anchor
  • add_prompts
  • ansi2html
  • ansi2latex
  • ascii_only
  • citation2latex
  • comment_lines
  • escape_latex
  • filter_data_type
  • get_lines
  • get_metadata
  • highlight2html
  • highlight2latex
  • html2text
  • indent
  • ipython2python
  • markdown2html
  • markdown2latex
  • markdown2rst
  • path2url
  • posix_path
  • prevent_list_blocks
  • strip_ansi
  • strip_dollars
  • strip_files_prefix
  • wrap_text
__init__(config=None, **kw)

Public constructor

  • config (config) – User configuration instance.
  • extra_loaders (list[of Jinja Loaders]) – ordered list of Jinja loader to find templates. Will be tried in order before the default FileSystem ones.
  • template (str (optional, kw arg)) – Template to use when exporting.
from_notebook_node(nb, resources=None, **kw)

Convert a notebook from a notebook node instance.

  • nb (NotebookNode) – Notebook node
  • resources (dict) – Additional resources that can be accessed read/write by preprocessors and filters.
from_filename(filename, resources=None, **kw)

Convert a notebook from a notebook file.

  • filename (str) – Full filename of the notebook file to open and convert.
  • resources (dict) – Additional resources that can be accessed read/write by preprocessors and filters.
  • **kw – Ignored
from_file(file_stream, resources=None, **kw)

Convert a notebook from a notebook file.

  • file_stream (file-like object) – Notebook file-like object to convert.
  • resources (dict) – Additional resources that can be accessed read/write by preprocessors and filters.
  • **kw – Ignored
register_preprocessor(preprocessor, enabled=False)

Register a preprocessor. Preprocessors are classes that act upon the notebook before it is passed into the Jinja templating engine. preprocessors are also capable of passing additional information to the Jinja templating engine.

  • preprocessor (Preprocessor) – A dotted module name, a type, or an instance
  • enabled (bool) – Mark the preprocessor as enabled
register_filter(name, jinja_filter)

Register a filter. A filter is a function that accepts and acts on one string. The filters are accessible within the Jinja templating engine.

  • name (str) – name to give the filter in the Jinja engine
  • filter (filter) –

Specialized exporter classes

The NotebookExporter inherits directly from Exporter, while the other exporters listed here inherit either directly or indirectly from TemplateExporter.

class nbconvert.exporters.NotebookExporter(config=None, **kw)

Exports to an IPython notebook.

class nbconvert.exporters.HTMLExporter(config=None, **kw)

Exports a basic HTML document. This exporter assists with the export of HTML. Inherit from it if you are writing your own HTML template and need custom preprocessors/filters. If you don’t need custom preprocessors/ filters, just change the ‘template_file’ config option.

class nbconvert.exporters.SlidesExporter(config=None, **kw)

Exports HTML slides with reveal.js

class nbconvert.exporters.LatexExporter(config=None, **kw)

Exports to a Latex template. Inherit from this class if your template is LaTeX based and you need custom tranformers/filters. Inherit from it if you are writing your own HTML template and need custom tranformers/filters. If you don’t need custom tranformers/filters, just change the ‘template_file’ config option. Place your template in the special “/latex” subfolder of the ”../templates” folder.

class nbconvert.exporters.MarkdownExporter(config=None, **kw)

Exports to a markdown document (.md)

class nbconvert.exporters.PDFExporter(config=None, **kw)

Writer designed to write to PDF files

class nbconvert.exporters.PythonExporter(config=None, **kw)

Exports a Python code file.

class nbconvert.exporters.RSTExporter(config=None, **kw)

Exports restructured text documents.

Specialized exporter functions

These functions are essentially convenience functions that wrap the functionality of the classes documented in the previous section.

nbconvert.exporters.export_custom(nb, **kw)

Export a notebook object to custom format

nb : NotebookNode
The notebook to export.
config : config (optional, keyword arg)
User configuration instance.
resources : dict (optional, keyword arg)
Resources used in the conversion process.
output : str
Jinja 2 output. This is the resulting converted notebook.
resources : dictionary
Dictionary of resources used prior to and during the conversion process.
exporter_instance : Exporter
Instance of the Exporter class used to export the document. Useful to caller because it provides a ‘file_extension’ property which specifies what extension the output should be saved as.
Return type:tuple
nbconvert.exporters.export_html(nb, **kw)

Export a notebook object to html format

nb : NotebookNode
The notebook to export.
config : config (optional, keyword arg)
User configuration instance.
resources : dict (optional, keyword arg)
Resources used in the conversion process.
output : str
Jinja 2 output. This is the resulting converted notebook.
resources : dictionary
Dictionary of resources used prior to and during the conversion process.
exporter_instance : Exporter
Instance of the Exporter class used to export the document. Useful to caller because it provides a ‘file_extension’ property which specifies what extension the output should be saved as.
Return type:tuple
nbconvert.exporters.export_slides(nb, **kw)

Export a notebook object to slides format

nb : NotebookNode
The notebook to export.
config : config (optional, keyword arg)
User configuration instance.
resources : dict (optional, keyword arg)
Resources used in the conversion process.
output : str
Jinja 2 output. This is the resulting converted notebook.
resources : dictionary
Dictionary of resources used prior to and during the conversion process.
exporter_instance : Exporter
Instance of the Exporter class used to export the document. Useful to caller because it provides a ‘file_extension’ property which specifies what extension the output should be saved as.
Return type:tuple
nbconvert.exporters.export_latex(nb, **kw)

Export a notebook object to latex format

nb : NotebookNode
The notebook to export.
config : config (optional, keyword arg)
User configuration instance.
resources : dict (optional, keyword arg)
Resources used in the conversion process.
output : str
Jinja 2 output. This is the resulting converted notebook.
resources : dictionary
Dictionary of resources used prior to and during the conversion process.
exporter_instance : Exporter
Instance of the Exporter class used to export the document. Useful to caller because it provides a ‘file_extension’ property which specifies what extension the output should be saved as.
Return type:tuple
nbconvert.exporters.export_pdf(nb, **kw)

Export a notebook object to pdf format

nb : NotebookNode
The notebook to export.
config : config (optional, keyword arg)
User configuration instance.
resources : dict (optional, keyword arg)
Resources used in the conversion process.
output : str
Jinja 2 output. This is the resulting converted notebook.
resources : dictionary
Dictionary of resources used prior to and during the conversion process.
exporter_instance : Exporter
Instance of the Exporter class used to export the document. Useful to caller because it provides a ‘file_extension’ property which specifies what extension the output should be saved as.
Return type:tuple
nbconvert.exporters.export_markdown(nb, **kw)

Export a notebook object to markdown format

nb : NotebookNode
The notebook to export.
config : config (optional, keyword arg)
User configuration instance.
resources : dict (optional, keyword arg)
Resources used in the conversion process.
output : str
Jinja 2 output. This is the resulting converted notebook.
resources : dictionary
Dictionary of resources used prior to and during the conversion process.
exporter_instance : Exporter
Instance of the Exporter class used to export the document. Useful to caller because it provides a ‘file_extension’ property which specifies what extension the output should be saved as.
Return type:tuple
nbconvert.exporters.export_python(nb, **kw)

Export a notebook object to python format

nb : NotebookNode
The notebook to export.
config : config (optional, keyword arg)
User configuration instance.
resources : dict (optional, keyword arg)
Resources used in the conversion process.
output : str
Jinja 2 output. This is the resulting converted notebook.
resources : dictionary
Dictionary of resources used prior to and during the conversion process.
exporter_instance : Exporter
Instance of the Exporter class used to export the document. Useful to caller because it provides a ‘file_extension’ property which specifies what extension the output should be saved as.
Return type:tuple
nbconvert.exporters.export_rst(nb, **kw)

Export a notebook object to rst format

nb : NotebookNode
The notebook to export.
config : config (optional, keyword arg)
User configuration instance.
resources : dict (optional, keyword arg)
Resources used in the conversion process.
output : str
Jinja 2 output. This is the resulting converted notebook.
resources : dictionary
Dictionary of resources used prior to and during the conversion process.
exporter_instance : Exporter
Instance of the Exporter class used to export the document. Useful to caller because it provides a ‘file_extension’ property which specifies what extension the output should be saved as.
Return type:tuple
nbconvert.exporters.export_script(nb, **kw)

Export a notebook object to script format

nb : NotebookNode
The notebook to export.
config : config (optional, keyword arg)
User configuration instance.
resources : dict (optional, keyword arg)
Resources used in the conversion process.
output : str
Jinja 2 output. This is the resulting converted notebook.
resources : dictionary
Dictionary of resources used prior to and during the conversion process.
exporter_instance : Exporter
Instance of the Exporter class used to export the document. Useful to caller because it provides a ‘file_extension’ property which specifies what extension the output should be saved as.
Return type:tuple
nbconvert.exporters.export_by_name(format_name, nb, **kw)

Export a notebook object to a template type by its name. Reflection (Inspect) is used to find the template’s corresponding explicit export method defined in this module. That method is then called directly.

Parameters:format_name (str) – Name of the template style to export to.
nb : NotebookNode
The notebook to export.
config : config (optional, keyword arg)
User configuration instance.
resources : dict (optional, keyword arg)
Resources used in the conversion process.
output : str
Jinja 2 output. This is the resulting converted notebook.
resources : dictionary
Dictionary of resources used prior to and during the conversion process.
exporter_instance : Exporter
Instance of the Exporter class used to export the document. Useful to caller because it provides a ‘file_extension’ property which specifies what extension the output should be saved as.
Return type:tuple