Dejavu intends to be a tool to facilitate for Jupyter users to generate static outputs from their notebooks, mimicking the behavior of voilà.
Running dejavu#
Dejavu works exactly the same as nbconvert and you can use all command line options that you would with nbconvert. To run a default instance:
jupyter dejavu notebook.ipynb
In case you want to show code in addition to its output use the flag --show-input
Configuring the Notebook for slides presentations#
In case the user intends to do a slide presentation out of their Jupyter
notebook it’s recommended to use the reveal
template. In orders to obtain a
better result from it’s advised to use the slides metadatas available in the
In the notebook, select a cell and click on the “Property Inspector menu”
The “Property Inspector menu” can be located in the right side bar, its symbol contains two gears.
Select a cell in the notebook
In the Property Inspector menu select the cell’s slide type:
Repeat the process for all cells