.. This is an automatically generated file. .. do not modify by hand. Configuration options ===================== Configuration options may be set in a file, ``~/.jupyter/jupyter_nbconvert_config.py``, or at the command line when starting nbconvert, i.e. ``jupyter nbconvert --Application.log_level=10``. The most specific setting will always be used. For example, the LatexExporter and the HTMLExporter both inherit from TemplateExporter. With the following config .. code-block:: python c.TemplateExporter.exclude_input_prompt = False # The default c.PDFExporter.exclude_input_prompt = True input prompts will not appear when converting to PDF, but they will appear when exporting to HTML. CLI Flags and Aliases --------------------- The dynamic loading of exporters can be disabled by setting the environment variable ``NBCONVERT_DISABLE_CONFIG_EXPORTERS``. This causes all exporters to be loaded regardless of the value of their ``enabled`` attribute. When using Nbconvert from the command line, a number of aliases and flags are defined as shortcuts to configuration options for convience. The following flags are defined: debug set log level to logging.DEBUG (maximize logging output) Long Form: {'Application': {'log_level': 10}} show-config Show the application's configuration (human-readable format) Long Form: {'Application': {'show_config': True}} show-config-json Show the application's configuration (json format) Long Form: {'Application': {'show_config_json': True}} generate-config generate default config file Long Form: {'JupyterApp': {'generate_config': True}} y Answer yes to any questions instead of prompting. Long Form: {'JupyterApp': {'answer_yes': True}} execute Execute the notebook prior to export. Long Form: {'ExecutePreprocessor': {'enabled': True}} allow-errors Continue notebook execution even if one of the cells throws an error and include the error message in the cell output (the default behaviour is to abort conversion). This flag is only relevant if '--execute' was specified, too. Long Form: {'ExecutePreprocessor': {'allow_errors': True}} stdin read a single notebook file from stdin. Write the resulting notebook with default basename 'notebook.*' Long Form: {'NbConvertApp': {'from_stdin': True}} stdout Write notebook output to stdout instead of files. Long Form: {'NbConvertApp': {'writer_class': 'StdoutWriter'}} inplace Run nbconvert in place, overwriting the existing notebook (only relevant when converting to notebook format) Long Form: {'NbConvertApp': {'use_output_suffix': False, 'export_format': 'notebook'}, 'FilesWriter': {'build_directory': ''}} clear-output Clear output of current file and save in place, overwriting the existing notebook. Long Form: {'NbConvertApp': {'use_output_suffix': False, 'export_format': 'notebook'}, 'FilesWriter': {'build_directory': ''}, 'ClearOutputPreprocessor': {'enabled': True}} no-prompt Exclude input and output prompts from converted document. Long Form: {'TemplateExporter': {'exclude_input_prompt': True, 'exclude_output_prompt': True}} no-input Exclude input cells and output prompts from converted document. This mode is ideal for generating code-free reports. Long Form: {'TemplateExporter': {'exclude_output_prompt': True, 'exclude_input': True, 'exclude_input_prompt': True}} allow-chromium-download Whether to allow downloading chromium if no suitable version is found on the system. Long Form: {'WebPDFExporter': {'allow_chromium_download': True}} disable-chromium-sandbox Disable chromium security sandbox when converting to PDF.. Long Form: {'WebPDFExporter': {'disable_sandbox': True}} show-input Shows code input. This flag is only useful for dejavu users. Long Form: {'TemplateExporter': {'exclude_input': False}} embed-images Embed the images as base64 dataurls in the output. This flag is only useful for the HTML/WebPDF/Slides exports. Long Form: {'HTMLExporter': {'embed_images': True}} sanitize-html Whether the HTML in Markdown cells and cell outputs should be sanitized.. Long Form: {'HTMLExporter': {'sanitize_html': True}} The folowing aliases are defined: **log-level** (Application.log_level) **config** (JupyterApp.config_file) **to** (NbConvertApp.export_format) **template** (TemplateExporter.template_name) **template-file** (TemplateExporter.template_file) **theme** (HTMLExporter.theme) **sanitize_html** (HTMLExporter.sanitize_html) **writer** (NbConvertApp.writer_class) **post** (NbConvertApp.postprocessor_class) **output** (NbConvertApp.output_base) **output-dir** (FilesWriter.build_directory) **reveal-prefix** (SlidesExporter.reveal_url_prefix) **nbformat** (NotebookExporter.nbformat_version) App Options ----------------------- Application.log_datefmt \: Unicode Default: ``'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`` The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s Application.log_format \: Unicode Default: ``'[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s'`` The Logging format template Application.log_level \: any of ``0``|``10``|``20``|``30``|``40``|``50``|``'DEBUG'``|``'INFO'``|``'WARN'``|``'ERROR'``|``'CRITICAL'`` Default: ``30`` Set the log level by value or name. Application.logging_config \: Dict Default: ``{}`` Configure additional log handlers. The default stderr logs handler is configured by the log_level, log_datefmt and log_format settings. This configuration can be used to configure additional handlers (e.g. to output the log to a file) or for finer control over the default handlers. If provided this should be a logging configuration dictionary, for more information see: https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.config.html#logging-config-dictschema This dictionary is merged with the base logging configuration which defines the following: * A logging formatter intended for interactive use called ``console``. * A logging handler that writes to stderr called ``console`` which uses the formatter ``console``. * A logger with the name of this application set to ``DEBUG`` level. This example adds a new handler that writes to a file: .. code-block:: python c.Application.logging_config = { 'handlers': { 'file': { 'class': 'logging.FileHandler', 'level': 'DEBUG', 'filename': '', } }, 'loggers': { '': { 'level': 'DEBUG', # NOTE: if you don't list the default "console" # handler here then it will be disabled 'handlers': ['console', 'file'], }, } } Application.show_config \: Bool Default: ``False`` Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout Application.show_config_json \: Bool Default: ``False`` Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout (as JSON) JupyterApp.answer_yes \: Bool Default: ``False`` Answer yes to any prompts. JupyterApp.config_file \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Full path of a config file. JupyterApp.config_file_name \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Specify a config file to load. JupyterApp.generate_config \: Bool Default: ``False`` Generate default config file. JupyterApp.log_datefmt \: Unicode Default: ``'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`` The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s JupyterApp.log_format \: Unicode Default: ``'[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s'`` The Logging format template JupyterApp.log_level \: any of ``0``|``10``|``20``|``30``|``40``|``50``|``'DEBUG'``|``'INFO'``|``'WARN'``|``'ERROR'``|``'CRITICAL'`` Default: ``30`` Set the log level by value or name. JupyterApp.logging_config \: Dict Default: ``{}`` Configure additional log handlers. The default stderr logs handler is configured by the log_level, log_datefmt and log_format settings. This configuration can be used to configure additional handlers (e.g. to output the log to a file) or for finer control over the default handlers. If provided this should be a logging configuration dictionary, for more information see: https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.config.html#logging-config-dictschema This dictionary is merged with the base logging configuration which defines the following: * A logging formatter intended for interactive use called ``console``. * A logging handler that writes to stderr called ``console`` which uses the formatter ``console``. * A logger with the name of this application set to ``DEBUG`` level. This example adds a new handler that writes to a file: .. code-block:: python c.Application.logging_config = { 'handlers': { 'file': { 'class': 'logging.FileHandler', 'level': 'DEBUG', 'filename': '', } }, 'loggers': { '': { 'level': 'DEBUG', # NOTE: if you don't list the default "console" # handler here then it will be disabled 'handlers': ['console', 'file'], }, } } JupyterApp.show_config \: Bool Default: ``False`` Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout JupyterApp.show_config_json \: Bool Default: ``False`` Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout (as JSON) NbConvertApp.answer_yes \: Bool Default: ``False`` Answer yes to any prompts. NbConvertApp.config_file \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Full path of a config file. NbConvertApp.config_file_name \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Specify a config file to load. NbConvertApp.export_format \: Unicode Default: ``''`` The export format to be used, either one of the built-in formats ['asciidoc', 'custom', 'html', 'latex', 'markdown', 'notebook', 'pdf', 'python', 'qtpdf', 'qtpng', 'rst', 'script', 'slides', 'webpdf'] or a dotted object name that represents the import path for an ``Exporter`` class NbConvertApp.from_stdin \: Bool Default: ``False`` read a single notebook from stdin. NbConvertApp.generate_config \: Bool Default: ``False`` Generate default config file. NbConvertApp.log_datefmt \: Unicode Default: ``'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`` The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s NbConvertApp.log_format \: Unicode Default: ``'[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s'`` The Logging format template NbConvertApp.log_level \: any of ``0``|``10``|``20``|``30``|``40``|``50``|``'DEBUG'``|``'INFO'``|``'WARN'``|``'ERROR'``|``'CRITICAL'`` Default: ``30`` Set the log level by value or name. NbConvertApp.logging_config \: Dict Default: ``{}`` Configure additional log handlers. The default stderr logs handler is configured by the log_level, log_datefmt and log_format settings. This configuration can be used to configure additional handlers (e.g. to output the log to a file) or for finer control over the default handlers. If provided this should be a logging configuration dictionary, for more information see: https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.config.html#logging-config-dictschema This dictionary is merged with the base logging configuration which defines the following: * A logging formatter intended for interactive use called ``console``. * A logging handler that writes to stderr called ``console`` which uses the formatter ``console``. * A logger with the name of this application set to ``DEBUG`` level. This example adds a new handler that writes to a file: .. code-block:: python c.Application.logging_config = { 'handlers': { 'file': { 'class': 'logging.FileHandler', 'level': 'DEBUG', 'filename': '', } }, 'loggers': { '': { 'level': 'DEBUG', # NOTE: if you don't list the default "console" # handler here then it will be disabled 'handlers': ['console', 'file'], }, } } NbConvertApp.notebooks \: List Default: ``[]`` List of notebooks to convert. Wildcards are supported. Filenames passed positionally will be added to the list. NbConvertApp.output_base \: Unicode Default: ``''`` overwrite base name use for output files. can only be used when converting one notebook at a time. NbConvertApp.output_files_dir \: Unicode Default: ``'{notebook_name}_files'`` Directory to copy extra files (figures) to. '{notebook_name}' in the string will be converted to notebook basename. NbConvertApp.postprocessor_class \: DottedOrNone Default: ``''`` PostProcessor class used to write the results of the conversion NbConvertApp.recursive_glob \: Bool Default: ``False`` set the 'recursive' option for glob for searching wildcards. NbConvertApp.show_config \: Bool Default: ``False`` Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout NbConvertApp.show_config_json \: Bool Default: ``False`` Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout (as JSON) NbConvertApp.use_output_suffix \: Bool Default: ``True`` Whether to apply a suffix prior to the extension (only relevant when converting to notebook format). The suffix is determined by the exporter, and is usually '.nbconvert'. NbConvertApp.writer_class \: DottedObjectName Default: ``'FilesWriter'`` Writer class used to write the results of the conversion Exporter Options ----------------------- .. image:: _static/exporter_inheritance.png Exporter.default_preprocessors \: List Default: ``['nbconvert.preprocessors.TagRemovePreprocessor', 'nbconvert....`` List of preprocessors available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or type. Exporter.enabled \: Bool Default: ``True`` Disable this exporter (and any exporters inherited from it). Exporter.file_extension \: FilenameExtension Default: ``''`` Extension of the file that should be written to disk Exporter.optimistic_validation \: Bool Default: ``False`` Reduces the number of validation steps so that it only occurs after all preprocesors have run. Exporter.preprocessors \: List Default: ``[]`` List of preprocessors, by name or namespace, to enable. TemplateExporter.default_preprocessors \: List Default: ``['nbconvert.preprocessors.TagRemovePreprocessor', 'nbconvert....`` List of preprocessors available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or type. TemplateExporter.enabled \: Bool Default: ``True`` Disable this exporter (and any exporters inherited from it). TemplateExporter.exclude_code_cell \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cells from all templates if set to True. TemplateExporter.exclude_input \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell inputs from all templates if set to True. TemplateExporter.exclude_input_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude input prompts from all templates if set to True. TemplateExporter.exclude_markdown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude markdown cells from all templates if set to True. TemplateExporter.exclude_output \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell outputs from all templates if set to True. TemplateExporter.exclude_output_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude output prompts from all templates if set to True. TemplateExporter.exclude_output_stdin \: Bool Default: ``True`` This allows you to exclude output of stdin stream from lab template if set to True. TemplateExporter.exclude_raw \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude raw cells from all templates if set to True. TemplateExporter.exclude_unknown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude unknown cells from all templates if set to True. TemplateExporter.extra_template_basedirs \: List Default: ``[]`` No description TemplateExporter.extra_template_paths \: List Default: ``[]`` No description TemplateExporter.file_extension \: FilenameExtension Default: ``''`` Extension of the file that should be written to disk TemplateExporter.filters \: Dict Default: ``{}`` Dictionary of filters, by name and namespace, to add to the Jinja environment. TemplateExporter.optimistic_validation \: Bool Default: ``False`` Reduces the number of validation steps so that it only occurs after all preprocesors have run. TemplateExporter.preprocessors \: List Default: ``[]`` List of preprocessors, by name or namespace, to enable. TemplateExporter.raw_mimetypes \: List Default: ``[]`` formats of raw cells to be included in this Exporter's output. TemplateExporter.template_extension \: Unicode Default: ``''`` No description TemplateExporter.template_file \: Unicode Default: ``None`` Name of the template file to use TemplateExporter.template_name \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Name of the template to use TemplateExporter.template_paths \: List Default: ``['.']`` No description ASCIIDocExporter.default_preprocessors \: List Default: ``['nbconvert.preprocessors.TagRemovePreprocessor', 'nbconvert....`` List of preprocessors available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or type. ASCIIDocExporter.enabled \: Bool Default: ``True`` Disable this exporter (and any exporters inherited from it). ASCIIDocExporter.exclude_code_cell \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cells from all templates if set to True. ASCIIDocExporter.exclude_input \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell inputs from all templates if set to True. ASCIIDocExporter.exclude_input_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude input prompts from all templates if set to True. ASCIIDocExporter.exclude_markdown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude markdown cells from all templates if set to True. ASCIIDocExporter.exclude_output \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell outputs from all templates if set to True. ASCIIDocExporter.exclude_output_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude output prompts from all templates if set to True. ASCIIDocExporter.exclude_output_stdin \: Bool Default: ``True`` This allows you to exclude output of stdin stream from lab template if set to True. ASCIIDocExporter.exclude_raw \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude raw cells from all templates if set to True. ASCIIDocExporter.exclude_unknown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude unknown cells from all templates if set to True. ASCIIDocExporter.extra_template_basedirs \: List Default: ``[]`` No description ASCIIDocExporter.extra_template_paths \: List Default: ``[]`` No description ASCIIDocExporter.file_extension \: FilenameExtension Default: ``''`` Extension of the file that should be written to disk ASCIIDocExporter.filters \: Dict Default: ``{}`` Dictionary of filters, by name and namespace, to add to the Jinja environment. ASCIIDocExporter.optimistic_validation \: Bool Default: ``False`` Reduces the number of validation steps so that it only occurs after all preprocesors have run. ASCIIDocExporter.preprocessors \: List Default: ``[]`` List of preprocessors, by name or namespace, to enable. ASCIIDocExporter.raw_mimetypes \: List Default: ``[]`` formats of raw cells to be included in this Exporter's output. ASCIIDocExporter.template_extension \: Unicode Default: ``''`` No description ASCIIDocExporter.template_file \: Unicode Default: ``None`` Name of the template file to use ASCIIDocExporter.template_name \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Name of the template to use ASCIIDocExporter.template_paths \: List Default: ``['.']`` No description HTMLExporter.anchor_link_text \: Unicode Default: ``'¶'`` The text used as the text for anchor links. HTMLExporter.default_preprocessors \: List Default: ``['nbconvert.preprocessors.TagRemovePreprocessor', 'nbconvert....`` List of preprocessors available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or type. HTMLExporter.embed_images \: Bool Default: ``False`` Whether or not to embed images as base64 in markdown cells. HTMLExporter.enabled \: Bool Default: ``True`` Disable this exporter (and any exporters inherited from it). HTMLExporter.exclude_anchor_links \: Bool Default: ``False`` If anchor links should be included or not. HTMLExporter.exclude_code_cell \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cells from all templates if set to True. HTMLExporter.exclude_input \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell inputs from all templates if set to True. HTMLExporter.exclude_input_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude input prompts from all templates if set to True. HTMLExporter.exclude_markdown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude markdown cells from all templates if set to True. HTMLExporter.exclude_output \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell outputs from all templates if set to True. HTMLExporter.exclude_output_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude output prompts from all templates if set to True. HTMLExporter.exclude_output_stdin \: Bool Default: ``True`` This allows you to exclude output of stdin stream from lab template if set to True. HTMLExporter.exclude_raw \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude raw cells from all templates if set to True. HTMLExporter.exclude_unknown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude unknown cells from all templates if set to True. HTMLExporter.extra_template_basedirs \: List Default: ``[]`` No description HTMLExporter.extra_template_paths \: List Default: ``[]`` No description HTMLExporter.file_extension \: FilenameExtension Default: ``''`` Extension of the file that should be written to disk HTMLExporter.filters \: Dict Default: ``{}`` Dictionary of filters, by name and namespace, to add to the Jinja environment. HTMLExporter.html_manager_semver_range \: Unicode Default: ``'*'`` Semver range for Jupyter widgets HTML manager HTMLExporter.jquery_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.3/jquery.m...`` URL to load jQuery from. Defaults to loading from cdnjs. HTMLExporter.jupyter_widgets_base_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://unpkg.com/'`` URL base for Jupyter widgets HTMLExporter.mathjax_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.7/latest....`` URL to load Mathjax from. Defaults to loading from cdnjs. HTMLExporter.optimistic_validation \: Bool Default: ``False`` Reduces the number of validation steps so that it only occurs after all preprocesors have run. HTMLExporter.preprocessors \: List Default: ``[]`` List of preprocessors, by name or namespace, to enable. HTMLExporter.raw_mimetypes \: List Default: ``[]`` formats of raw cells to be included in this Exporter's output. HTMLExporter.require_js_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/require.js/2.1.10/req...`` URL to load require.js from. Defaults to loading from cdnjs. HTMLExporter.sanitize_html \: Bool Default: ``False`` Whether the HTML in Markdown cells and cell outputs should be sanitized.This should be set to True by nbviewer or similar tools. HTMLExporter.template_extension \: Unicode Default: ``''`` No description HTMLExporter.template_file \: Unicode Default: ``None`` Name of the template file to use HTMLExporter.template_name \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Name of the template to use HTMLExporter.template_paths \: List Default: ``['.']`` No description HTMLExporter.theme \: Unicode Default: ``'light'`` Template specific theme(e.g. the name of a JupyterLab CSS theme distributed as prebuilt extension for the lab template) HTMLExporter.widget_renderer_url \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Full URL for Jupyter widgets LatexExporter.default_preprocessors \: List Default: ``['nbconvert.preprocessors.TagRemovePreprocessor', 'nbconvert....`` List of preprocessors available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or type. LatexExporter.enabled \: Bool Default: ``True`` Disable this exporter (and any exporters inherited from it). LatexExporter.exclude_code_cell \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cells from all templates if set to True. LatexExporter.exclude_input \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell inputs from all templates if set to True. LatexExporter.exclude_input_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude input prompts from all templates if set to True. LatexExporter.exclude_markdown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude markdown cells from all templates if set to True. LatexExporter.exclude_output \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell outputs from all templates if set to True. LatexExporter.exclude_output_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude output prompts from all templates if set to True. LatexExporter.exclude_output_stdin \: Bool Default: ``True`` This allows you to exclude output of stdin stream from lab template if set to True. LatexExporter.exclude_raw \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude raw cells from all templates if set to True. LatexExporter.exclude_unknown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude unknown cells from all templates if set to True. LatexExporter.extra_template_basedirs \: List Default: ``[]`` No description LatexExporter.extra_template_paths \: List Default: ``[]`` No description LatexExporter.file_extension \: FilenameExtension Default: ``''`` Extension of the file that should be written to disk LatexExporter.filters \: Dict Default: ``{}`` Dictionary of filters, by name and namespace, to add to the Jinja environment. LatexExporter.optimistic_validation \: Bool Default: ``False`` Reduces the number of validation steps so that it only occurs after all preprocesors have run. LatexExporter.preprocessors \: List Default: ``[]`` List of preprocessors, by name or namespace, to enable. LatexExporter.raw_mimetypes \: List Default: ``[]`` formats of raw cells to be included in this Exporter's output. LatexExporter.template_extension \: Unicode Default: ``''`` No description LatexExporter.template_file \: Unicode Default: ``None`` Name of the template file to use LatexExporter.template_name \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Name of the template to use LatexExporter.template_paths \: List Default: ``['.']`` No description MarkdownExporter.default_preprocessors \: List Default: ``['nbconvert.preprocessors.TagRemovePreprocessor', 'nbconvert....`` List of preprocessors available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or type. MarkdownExporter.enabled \: Bool Default: ``True`` Disable this exporter (and any exporters inherited from it). MarkdownExporter.exclude_code_cell \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cells from all templates if set to True. MarkdownExporter.exclude_input \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell inputs from all templates if set to True. MarkdownExporter.exclude_input_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude input prompts from all templates if set to True. MarkdownExporter.exclude_markdown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude markdown cells from all templates if set to True. MarkdownExporter.exclude_output \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell outputs from all templates if set to True. MarkdownExporter.exclude_output_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude output prompts from all templates if set to True. MarkdownExporter.exclude_output_stdin \: Bool Default: ``True`` This allows you to exclude output of stdin stream from lab template if set to True. MarkdownExporter.exclude_raw \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude raw cells from all templates if set to True. MarkdownExporter.exclude_unknown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude unknown cells from all templates if set to True. MarkdownExporter.extra_template_basedirs \: List Default: ``[]`` No description MarkdownExporter.extra_template_paths \: List Default: ``[]`` No description MarkdownExporter.file_extension \: FilenameExtension Default: ``''`` Extension of the file that should be written to disk MarkdownExporter.filters \: Dict Default: ``{}`` Dictionary of filters, by name and namespace, to add to the Jinja environment. MarkdownExporter.optimistic_validation \: Bool Default: ``False`` Reduces the number of validation steps so that it only occurs after all preprocesors have run. MarkdownExporter.preprocessors \: List Default: ``[]`` List of preprocessors, by name or namespace, to enable. MarkdownExporter.raw_mimetypes \: List Default: ``[]`` formats of raw cells to be included in this Exporter's output. MarkdownExporter.template_extension \: Unicode Default: ``''`` No description MarkdownExporter.template_file \: Unicode Default: ``None`` Name of the template file to use MarkdownExporter.template_name \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Name of the template to use MarkdownExporter.template_paths \: List Default: ``['.']`` No description NotebookExporter.default_preprocessors \: List Default: ``['nbconvert.preprocessors.TagRemovePreprocessor', 'nbconvert....`` List of preprocessors available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or type. NotebookExporter.enabled \: Bool Default: ``True`` Disable this exporter (and any exporters inherited from it). NotebookExporter.file_extension \: FilenameExtension Default: ``''`` Extension of the file that should be written to disk NotebookExporter.nbformat_version \: any of ``1``|``2``|``3``|``4`` Default: ``4`` The nbformat version to write. Use this to downgrade notebooks. NotebookExporter.optimistic_validation \: Bool Default: ``False`` Reduces the number of validation steps so that it only occurs after all preprocesors have run. NotebookExporter.preprocessors \: List Default: ``[]`` List of preprocessors, by name or namespace, to enable. PDFExporter.bib_command \: List Default: ``['bibtex', '{filename}']`` Shell command used to run bibtex. PDFExporter.default_preprocessors \: List Default: ``['nbconvert.preprocessors.TagRemovePreprocessor', 'nbconvert....`` List of preprocessors available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or type. PDFExporter.enabled \: Bool Default: ``True`` Disable this exporter (and any exporters inherited from it). PDFExporter.exclude_code_cell \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cells from all templates if set to True. PDFExporter.exclude_input \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell inputs from all templates if set to True. PDFExporter.exclude_input_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude input prompts from all templates if set to True. PDFExporter.exclude_markdown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude markdown cells from all templates if set to True. PDFExporter.exclude_output \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell outputs from all templates if set to True. PDFExporter.exclude_output_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude output prompts from all templates if set to True. PDFExporter.exclude_output_stdin \: Bool Default: ``True`` This allows you to exclude output of stdin stream from lab template if set to True. PDFExporter.exclude_raw \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude raw cells from all templates if set to True. PDFExporter.exclude_unknown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude unknown cells from all templates if set to True. PDFExporter.extra_template_basedirs \: List Default: ``[]`` No description PDFExporter.extra_template_paths \: List Default: ``[]`` No description PDFExporter.file_extension \: FilenameExtension Default: ``''`` Extension of the file that should be written to disk PDFExporter.filters \: Dict Default: ``{}`` Dictionary of filters, by name and namespace, to add to the Jinja environment. PDFExporter.latex_command \: List Default: ``['xelatex', '{filename}', '-quiet']`` Shell command used to compile latex. PDFExporter.latex_count \: Int Default: ``3`` How many times latex will be called. PDFExporter.optimistic_validation \: Bool Default: ``False`` Reduces the number of validation steps so that it only occurs after all preprocesors have run. PDFExporter.preprocessors \: List Default: ``[]`` List of preprocessors, by name or namespace, to enable. PDFExporter.raw_mimetypes \: List Default: ``[]`` formats of raw cells to be included in this Exporter's output. PDFExporter.template_extension \: Unicode Default: ``''`` No description PDFExporter.template_file \: Unicode Default: ``None`` Name of the template file to use PDFExporter.template_name \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Name of the template to use PDFExporter.template_paths \: List Default: ``['.']`` No description PDFExporter.verbose \: Bool Default: ``False`` Whether to display the output of latex commands. PythonExporter.default_preprocessors \: List Default: ``['nbconvert.preprocessors.TagRemovePreprocessor', 'nbconvert....`` List of preprocessors available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or type. PythonExporter.enabled \: Bool Default: ``True`` Disable this exporter (and any exporters inherited from it). PythonExporter.exclude_code_cell \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cells from all templates if set to True. PythonExporter.exclude_input \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell inputs from all templates if set to True. PythonExporter.exclude_input_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude input prompts from all templates if set to True. PythonExporter.exclude_markdown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude markdown cells from all templates if set to True. PythonExporter.exclude_output \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell outputs from all templates if set to True. PythonExporter.exclude_output_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude output prompts from all templates if set to True. PythonExporter.exclude_output_stdin \: Bool Default: ``True`` This allows you to exclude output of stdin stream from lab template if set to True. PythonExporter.exclude_raw \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude raw cells from all templates if set to True. PythonExporter.exclude_unknown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude unknown cells from all templates if set to True. PythonExporter.extra_template_basedirs \: List Default: ``[]`` No description PythonExporter.extra_template_paths \: List Default: ``[]`` No description PythonExporter.file_extension \: FilenameExtension Default: ``''`` Extension of the file that should be written to disk PythonExporter.filters \: Dict Default: ``{}`` Dictionary of filters, by name and namespace, to add to the Jinja environment. PythonExporter.optimistic_validation \: Bool Default: ``False`` Reduces the number of validation steps so that it only occurs after all preprocesors have run. PythonExporter.preprocessors \: List Default: ``[]`` List of preprocessors, by name or namespace, to enable. PythonExporter.raw_mimetypes \: List Default: ``[]`` formats of raw cells to be included in this Exporter's output. PythonExporter.template_extension \: Unicode Default: ``''`` No description PythonExporter.template_file \: Unicode Default: ``None`` Name of the template file to use PythonExporter.template_name \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Name of the template to use PythonExporter.template_paths \: List Default: ``['.']`` No description QtExporter.anchor_link_text \: Unicode Default: ``'¶'`` The text used as the text for anchor links. QtExporter.default_preprocessors \: List Default: ``['nbconvert.preprocessors.TagRemovePreprocessor', 'nbconvert....`` List of preprocessors available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or type. QtExporter.embed_images \: Bool Default: ``False`` Whether or not to embed images as base64 in markdown cells. QtExporter.enabled \: Bool Default: ``True`` Disable this exporter (and any exporters inherited from it). QtExporter.exclude_anchor_links \: Bool Default: ``False`` If anchor links should be included or not. QtExporter.exclude_code_cell \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cells from all templates if set to True. QtExporter.exclude_input \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell inputs from all templates if set to True. QtExporter.exclude_input_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude input prompts from all templates if set to True. QtExporter.exclude_markdown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude markdown cells from all templates if set to True. QtExporter.exclude_output \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell outputs from all templates if set to True. QtExporter.exclude_output_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude output prompts from all templates if set to True. QtExporter.exclude_output_stdin \: Bool Default: ``True`` This allows you to exclude output of stdin stream from lab template if set to True. QtExporter.exclude_raw \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude raw cells from all templates if set to True. QtExporter.exclude_unknown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude unknown cells from all templates if set to True. QtExporter.extra_template_basedirs \: List Default: ``[]`` No description QtExporter.extra_template_paths \: List Default: ``[]`` No description QtExporter.file_extension \: FilenameExtension Default: ``''`` Extension of the file that should be written to disk QtExporter.filters \: Dict Default: ``{}`` Dictionary of filters, by name and namespace, to add to the Jinja environment. QtExporter.html_manager_semver_range \: Unicode Default: ``'*'`` Semver range for Jupyter widgets HTML manager QtExporter.jquery_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.3/jquery.m...`` URL to load jQuery from. Defaults to loading from cdnjs. QtExporter.jupyter_widgets_base_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://unpkg.com/'`` URL base for Jupyter widgets QtExporter.mathjax_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.7/latest....`` URL to load Mathjax from. Defaults to loading from cdnjs. QtExporter.optimistic_validation \: Bool Default: ``False`` Reduces the number of validation steps so that it only occurs after all preprocesors have run. QtExporter.preprocessors \: List Default: ``[]`` List of preprocessors, by name or namespace, to enable. QtExporter.raw_mimetypes \: List Default: ``[]`` formats of raw cells to be included in this Exporter's output. QtExporter.require_js_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/require.js/2.1.10/req...`` URL to load require.js from. Defaults to loading from cdnjs. QtExporter.sanitize_html \: Bool Default: ``False`` Whether the HTML in Markdown cells and cell outputs should be sanitized.This should be set to True by nbviewer or similar tools. QtExporter.template_extension \: Unicode Default: ``''`` No description QtExporter.template_file \: Unicode Default: ``None`` Name of the template file to use QtExporter.template_name \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Name of the template to use QtExporter.template_paths \: List Default: ``['.']`` No description QtExporter.theme \: Unicode Default: ``'light'`` Template specific theme(e.g. the name of a JupyterLab CSS theme distributed as prebuilt extension for the lab template) QtExporter.widget_renderer_url \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Full URL for Jupyter widgets QtPDFExporter.anchor_link_text \: Unicode Default: ``'¶'`` The text used as the text for anchor links. QtPDFExporter.default_preprocessors \: List Default: ``['nbconvert.preprocessors.TagRemovePreprocessor', 'nbconvert....`` List of preprocessors available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or type. QtPDFExporter.embed_images \: Bool Default: ``False`` Whether or not to embed images as base64 in markdown cells. QtPDFExporter.enabled \: Bool Default: ``True`` Disable this exporter (and any exporters inherited from it). QtPDFExporter.exclude_anchor_links \: Bool Default: ``False`` If anchor links should be included or not. QtPDFExporter.exclude_code_cell \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cells from all templates if set to True. QtPDFExporter.exclude_input \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell inputs from all templates if set to True. QtPDFExporter.exclude_input_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude input prompts from all templates if set to True. QtPDFExporter.exclude_markdown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude markdown cells from all templates if set to True. QtPDFExporter.exclude_output \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell outputs from all templates if set to True. QtPDFExporter.exclude_output_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude output prompts from all templates if set to True. QtPDFExporter.exclude_output_stdin \: Bool Default: ``True`` This allows you to exclude output of stdin stream from lab template if set to True. QtPDFExporter.exclude_raw \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude raw cells from all templates if set to True. QtPDFExporter.exclude_unknown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude unknown cells from all templates if set to True. QtPDFExporter.extra_template_basedirs \: List Default: ``[]`` No description QtPDFExporter.extra_template_paths \: List Default: ``[]`` No description QtPDFExporter.file_extension \: FilenameExtension Default: ``''`` Extension of the file that should be written to disk QtPDFExporter.filters \: Dict Default: ``{}`` Dictionary of filters, by name and namespace, to add to the Jinja environment. QtPDFExporter.html_manager_semver_range \: Unicode Default: ``'*'`` Semver range for Jupyter widgets HTML manager QtPDFExporter.jquery_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.3/jquery.m...`` URL to load jQuery from. Defaults to loading from cdnjs. QtPDFExporter.jupyter_widgets_base_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://unpkg.com/'`` URL base for Jupyter widgets QtPDFExporter.mathjax_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.7/latest....`` URL to load Mathjax from. Defaults to loading from cdnjs. QtPDFExporter.optimistic_validation \: Bool Default: ``False`` Reduces the number of validation steps so that it only occurs after all preprocesors have run. QtPDFExporter.paginate \: Bool Default: ``True`` Split generated notebook into multiple pages. If False, a PDF with one long page will be generated. Set to True to match behavior of LaTeX based PDF generator QtPDFExporter.preprocessors \: List Default: ``[]`` List of preprocessors, by name or namespace, to enable. QtPDFExporter.raw_mimetypes \: List Default: ``[]`` formats of raw cells to be included in this Exporter's output. QtPDFExporter.require_js_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/require.js/2.1.10/req...`` URL to load require.js from. Defaults to loading from cdnjs. QtPDFExporter.sanitize_html \: Bool Default: ``False`` Whether the HTML in Markdown cells and cell outputs should be sanitized.This should be set to True by nbviewer or similar tools. QtPDFExporter.template_extension \: Unicode Default: ``''`` No description QtPDFExporter.template_file \: Unicode Default: ``None`` Name of the template file to use QtPDFExporter.template_name \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Name of the template to use QtPDFExporter.template_paths \: List Default: ``['.']`` No description QtPDFExporter.theme \: Unicode Default: ``'light'`` Template specific theme(e.g. the name of a JupyterLab CSS theme distributed as prebuilt extension for the lab template) QtPDFExporter.widget_renderer_url \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Full URL for Jupyter widgets QtPNGExporter.anchor_link_text \: Unicode Default: ``'¶'`` The text used as the text for anchor links. QtPNGExporter.default_preprocessors \: List Default: ``['nbconvert.preprocessors.TagRemovePreprocessor', 'nbconvert....`` List of preprocessors available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or type. QtPNGExporter.embed_images \: Bool Default: ``False`` Whether or not to embed images as base64 in markdown cells. QtPNGExporter.enabled \: Bool Default: ``True`` Disable this exporter (and any exporters inherited from it). QtPNGExporter.exclude_anchor_links \: Bool Default: ``False`` If anchor links should be included or not. QtPNGExporter.exclude_code_cell \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cells from all templates if set to True. QtPNGExporter.exclude_input \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell inputs from all templates if set to True. QtPNGExporter.exclude_input_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude input prompts from all templates if set to True. QtPNGExporter.exclude_markdown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude markdown cells from all templates if set to True. QtPNGExporter.exclude_output \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell outputs from all templates if set to True. QtPNGExporter.exclude_output_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude output prompts from all templates if set to True. QtPNGExporter.exclude_output_stdin \: Bool Default: ``True`` This allows you to exclude output of stdin stream from lab template if set to True. QtPNGExporter.exclude_raw \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude raw cells from all templates if set to True. QtPNGExporter.exclude_unknown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude unknown cells from all templates if set to True. QtPNGExporter.extra_template_basedirs \: List Default: ``[]`` No description QtPNGExporter.extra_template_paths \: List Default: ``[]`` No description QtPNGExporter.file_extension \: FilenameExtension Default: ``''`` Extension of the file that should be written to disk QtPNGExporter.filters \: Dict Default: ``{}`` Dictionary of filters, by name and namespace, to add to the Jinja environment. QtPNGExporter.html_manager_semver_range \: Unicode Default: ``'*'`` Semver range for Jupyter widgets HTML manager QtPNGExporter.jquery_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.3/jquery.m...`` URL to load jQuery from. Defaults to loading from cdnjs. QtPNGExporter.jupyter_widgets_base_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://unpkg.com/'`` URL base for Jupyter widgets QtPNGExporter.mathjax_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.7/latest....`` URL to load Mathjax from. Defaults to loading from cdnjs. QtPNGExporter.optimistic_validation \: Bool Default: ``False`` Reduces the number of validation steps so that it only occurs after all preprocesors have run. QtPNGExporter.preprocessors \: List Default: ``[]`` List of preprocessors, by name or namespace, to enable. QtPNGExporter.raw_mimetypes \: List Default: ``[]`` formats of raw cells to be included in this Exporter's output. QtPNGExporter.require_js_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/require.js/2.1.10/req...`` URL to load require.js from. Defaults to loading from cdnjs. QtPNGExporter.sanitize_html \: Bool Default: ``False`` Whether the HTML in Markdown cells and cell outputs should be sanitized.This should be set to True by nbviewer or similar tools. QtPNGExporter.template_extension \: Unicode Default: ``''`` No description QtPNGExporter.template_file \: Unicode Default: ``None`` Name of the template file to use QtPNGExporter.template_name \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Name of the template to use QtPNGExporter.template_paths \: List Default: ``['.']`` No description QtPNGExporter.theme \: Unicode Default: ``'light'`` Template specific theme(e.g. the name of a JupyterLab CSS theme distributed as prebuilt extension for the lab template) QtPNGExporter.widget_renderer_url \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Full URL for Jupyter widgets RSTExporter.default_preprocessors \: List Default: ``['nbconvert.preprocessors.TagRemovePreprocessor', 'nbconvert....`` List of preprocessors available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or type. RSTExporter.enabled \: Bool Default: ``True`` Disable this exporter (and any exporters inherited from it). RSTExporter.exclude_code_cell \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cells from all templates if set to True. RSTExporter.exclude_input \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell inputs from all templates if set to True. RSTExporter.exclude_input_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude input prompts from all templates if set to True. RSTExporter.exclude_markdown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude markdown cells from all templates if set to True. RSTExporter.exclude_output \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell outputs from all templates if set to True. RSTExporter.exclude_output_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude output prompts from all templates if set to True. RSTExporter.exclude_output_stdin \: Bool Default: ``True`` This allows you to exclude output of stdin stream from lab template if set to True. RSTExporter.exclude_raw \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude raw cells from all templates if set to True. RSTExporter.exclude_unknown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude unknown cells from all templates if set to True. RSTExporter.extra_template_basedirs \: List Default: ``[]`` No description RSTExporter.extra_template_paths \: List Default: ``[]`` No description RSTExporter.file_extension \: FilenameExtension Default: ``''`` Extension of the file that should be written to disk RSTExporter.filters \: Dict Default: ``{}`` Dictionary of filters, by name and namespace, to add to the Jinja environment. RSTExporter.optimistic_validation \: Bool Default: ``False`` Reduces the number of validation steps so that it only occurs after all preprocesors have run. RSTExporter.preprocessors \: List Default: ``[]`` List of preprocessors, by name or namespace, to enable. RSTExporter.raw_mimetypes \: List Default: ``[]`` formats of raw cells to be included in this Exporter's output. RSTExporter.template_extension \: Unicode Default: ``''`` No description RSTExporter.template_file \: Unicode Default: ``None`` Name of the template file to use RSTExporter.template_name \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Name of the template to use RSTExporter.template_paths \: List Default: ``['.']`` No description ScriptExporter.default_preprocessors \: List Default: ``['nbconvert.preprocessors.TagRemovePreprocessor', 'nbconvert....`` List of preprocessors available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or type. ScriptExporter.enabled \: Bool Default: ``True`` Disable this exporter (and any exporters inherited from it). ScriptExporter.exclude_code_cell \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cells from all templates if set to True. ScriptExporter.exclude_input \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell inputs from all templates if set to True. ScriptExporter.exclude_input_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude input prompts from all templates if set to True. ScriptExporter.exclude_markdown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude markdown cells from all templates if set to True. ScriptExporter.exclude_output \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell outputs from all templates if set to True. ScriptExporter.exclude_output_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude output prompts from all templates if set to True. ScriptExporter.exclude_output_stdin \: Bool Default: ``True`` This allows you to exclude output of stdin stream from lab template if set to True. ScriptExporter.exclude_raw \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude raw cells from all templates if set to True. ScriptExporter.exclude_unknown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude unknown cells from all templates if set to True. ScriptExporter.extra_template_basedirs \: List Default: ``[]`` No description ScriptExporter.extra_template_paths \: List Default: ``[]`` No description ScriptExporter.file_extension \: FilenameExtension Default: ``''`` Extension of the file that should be written to disk ScriptExporter.filters \: Dict Default: ``{}`` Dictionary of filters, by name and namespace, to add to the Jinja environment. ScriptExporter.optimistic_validation \: Bool Default: ``False`` Reduces the number of validation steps so that it only occurs after all preprocesors have run. ScriptExporter.preprocessors \: List Default: ``[]`` List of preprocessors, by name or namespace, to enable. ScriptExporter.raw_mimetypes \: List Default: ``[]`` formats of raw cells to be included in this Exporter's output. ScriptExporter.template_extension \: Unicode Default: ``''`` No description ScriptExporter.template_file \: Unicode Default: ``None`` Name of the template file to use ScriptExporter.template_name \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Name of the template to use ScriptExporter.template_paths \: List Default: ``['.']`` No description SlidesExporter.anchor_link_text \: Unicode Default: ``'¶'`` The text used as the text for anchor links. SlidesExporter.default_preprocessors \: List Default: ``['nbconvert.preprocessors.TagRemovePreprocessor', 'nbconvert....`` List of preprocessors available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or type. SlidesExporter.embed_images \: Bool Default: ``False`` Whether or not to embed images as base64 in markdown cells. SlidesExporter.enabled \: Bool Default: ``True`` Disable this exporter (and any exporters inherited from it). SlidesExporter.exclude_anchor_links \: Bool Default: ``False`` If anchor links should be included or not. SlidesExporter.exclude_code_cell \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cells from all templates if set to True. SlidesExporter.exclude_input \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell inputs from all templates if set to True. SlidesExporter.exclude_input_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude input prompts from all templates if set to True. SlidesExporter.exclude_markdown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude markdown cells from all templates if set to True. SlidesExporter.exclude_output \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell outputs from all templates if set to True. SlidesExporter.exclude_output_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude output prompts from all templates if set to True. SlidesExporter.exclude_output_stdin \: Bool Default: ``True`` This allows you to exclude output of stdin stream from lab template if set to True. SlidesExporter.exclude_raw \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude raw cells from all templates if set to True. SlidesExporter.exclude_unknown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude unknown cells from all templates if set to True. SlidesExporter.extra_template_basedirs \: List Default: ``[]`` No description SlidesExporter.extra_template_paths \: List Default: ``[]`` No description SlidesExporter.file_extension \: FilenameExtension Default: ``''`` Extension of the file that should be written to disk SlidesExporter.filters \: Dict Default: ``{}`` Dictionary of filters, by name and namespace, to add to the Jinja environment. SlidesExporter.font_awesome_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/cs...`` URL to load font awesome from. Defaults to loading from cdnjs. SlidesExporter.html_manager_semver_range \: Unicode Default: ``'*'`` Semver range for Jupyter widgets HTML manager SlidesExporter.jquery_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.3/jquery.m...`` URL to load jQuery from. Defaults to loading from cdnjs. SlidesExporter.jupyter_widgets_base_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://unpkg.com/'`` URL base for Jupyter widgets SlidesExporter.mathjax_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.7/latest....`` URL to load Mathjax from. Defaults to loading from cdnjs. SlidesExporter.optimistic_validation \: Bool Default: ``False`` Reduces the number of validation steps so that it only occurs after all preprocesors have run. SlidesExporter.preprocessors \: List Default: ``[]`` List of preprocessors, by name or namespace, to enable. SlidesExporter.raw_mimetypes \: List Default: ``[]`` formats of raw cells to be included in this Exporter's output. SlidesExporter.require_js_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/require.js/2.1.10/req...`` URL to load require.js from. Defaults to loading from cdnjs. SlidesExporter.reveal_number \: Unicode Default: ``''`` slide number format (e.g. 'c/t'). Choose from: 'c': current, 't': total, 'h': horizontal, 'v': vertical SlidesExporter.reveal_scroll \: Bool Default: ``False`` If True, enable scrolling within each slide SlidesExporter.reveal_theme \: Unicode Default: ``'simple'`` Name of the reveal.js theme to use. We look for a file with this name under ``reveal_url_prefix``/css/theme/``reveal_theme``.css. https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/tree/master/css/theme has list of themes that ship by default with reveal.js. SlidesExporter.reveal_transition \: Unicode Default: ``'slide'`` Name of the reveal.js transition to use. The list of transitions that ships by default with reveal.js are: none, fade, slide, convex, concave and zoom. SlidesExporter.reveal_url_prefix \: Unicode Default: ``''`` The URL prefix for reveal.js (version 3.x). This defaults to the reveal CDN, but can be any url pointing to a copy of reveal.js. For speaker notes to work, this must be a relative path to a local copy of reveal.js: e.g., "reveal.js". If a relative path is given, it must be a subdirectory of the current directory (from which the server is run). See the usage documentation (https://nbconvert.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html#reveal-js-html-slideshow) for more details. SlidesExporter.sanitize_html \: Bool Default: ``False`` Whether the HTML in Markdown cells and cell outputs should be sanitized.This should be set to True by nbviewer or similar tools. SlidesExporter.template_extension \: Unicode Default: ``''`` No description SlidesExporter.template_file \: Unicode Default: ``None`` Name of the template file to use SlidesExporter.template_name \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Name of the template to use SlidesExporter.template_paths \: List Default: ``['.']`` No description SlidesExporter.theme \: Unicode Default: ``'light'`` Template specific theme(e.g. the name of a JupyterLab CSS theme distributed as prebuilt extension for the lab template) SlidesExporter.widget_renderer_url \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Full URL for Jupyter widgets WebPDFExporter.allow_chromium_download \: Bool Default: ``False`` Whether to allow downloading Chromium if no suitable version is found on the system. WebPDFExporter.anchor_link_text \: Unicode Default: ``'¶'`` The text used as the text for anchor links. WebPDFExporter.default_preprocessors \: List Default: ``['nbconvert.preprocessors.TagRemovePreprocessor', 'nbconvert....`` List of preprocessors available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or type. WebPDFExporter.disable_sandbox \: Bool Default: ``False`` Disable chromium security sandbox when converting to PDF. WARNING: This could cause arbitrary code execution in specific circumstances, where JS in your notebook can execute serverside code! Please use with caution. ``https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/blob/main@%7B2020-12-14T17:22:24Z%7D/docs/troubleshooting.md#setting-up-chrome-linux-sandbox`` has more information. This is required for webpdf to work inside most container environments. WebPDFExporter.embed_images \: Bool Default: ``False`` Whether or not to embed images as base64 in markdown cells. WebPDFExporter.enabled \: Bool Default: ``True`` Disable this exporter (and any exporters inherited from it). WebPDFExporter.exclude_anchor_links \: Bool Default: ``False`` If anchor links should be included or not. WebPDFExporter.exclude_code_cell \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cells from all templates if set to True. WebPDFExporter.exclude_input \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell inputs from all templates if set to True. WebPDFExporter.exclude_input_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude input prompts from all templates if set to True. WebPDFExporter.exclude_markdown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude markdown cells from all templates if set to True. WebPDFExporter.exclude_output \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude code cell outputs from all templates if set to True. WebPDFExporter.exclude_output_prompt \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude output prompts from all templates if set to True. WebPDFExporter.exclude_output_stdin \: Bool Default: ``True`` This allows you to exclude output of stdin stream from lab template if set to True. WebPDFExporter.exclude_raw \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude raw cells from all templates if set to True. WebPDFExporter.exclude_unknown \: Bool Default: ``False`` This allows you to exclude unknown cells from all templates if set to True. WebPDFExporter.extra_template_basedirs \: List Default: ``[]`` No description WebPDFExporter.extra_template_paths \: List Default: ``[]`` No description WebPDFExporter.file_extension \: FilenameExtension Default: ``''`` Extension of the file that should be written to disk WebPDFExporter.filters \: Dict Default: ``{}`` Dictionary of filters, by name and namespace, to add to the Jinja environment. WebPDFExporter.html_manager_semver_range \: Unicode Default: ``'*'`` Semver range for Jupyter widgets HTML manager WebPDFExporter.jquery_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.3/jquery.m...`` URL to load jQuery from. Defaults to loading from cdnjs. WebPDFExporter.jupyter_widgets_base_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://unpkg.com/'`` URL base for Jupyter widgets WebPDFExporter.mathjax_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.7/latest....`` URL to load Mathjax from. Defaults to loading from cdnjs. WebPDFExporter.optimistic_validation \: Bool Default: ``False`` Reduces the number of validation steps so that it only occurs after all preprocesors have run. WebPDFExporter.paginate \: Bool Default: ``True`` Split generated notebook into multiple pages. If False, a PDF with one long page will be generated. Set to True to match behavior of LaTeX based PDF generator WebPDFExporter.preprocessors \: List Default: ``[]`` List of preprocessors, by name or namespace, to enable. WebPDFExporter.raw_mimetypes \: List Default: ``[]`` formats of raw cells to be included in this Exporter's output. WebPDFExporter.require_js_url \: Unicode Default: ``'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/require.js/2.1.10/req...`` URL to load require.js from. Defaults to loading from cdnjs. WebPDFExporter.sanitize_html \: Bool Default: ``False`` Whether the HTML in Markdown cells and cell outputs should be sanitized.This should be set to True by nbviewer or similar tools. WebPDFExporter.template_extension \: Unicode Default: ``''`` No description WebPDFExporter.template_file \: Unicode Default: ``None`` Name of the template file to use WebPDFExporter.template_name \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Name of the template to use WebPDFExporter.template_paths \: List Default: ``['.']`` No description WebPDFExporter.theme \: Unicode Default: ``'light'`` Template specific theme(e.g. the name of a JupyterLab CSS theme distributed as prebuilt extension for the lab template) WebPDFExporter.widget_renderer_url \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Full URL for Jupyter widgets Writer Options ----------------------- .. image:: _static/writer_inheritance.png WriterBase.default_language \: Unicode Default: ``'ipython'`` Deprecated default highlight language as of 5.0, please use language_info metadata instead WriterBase.display_data_priority \: List Default: ``['text/html', 'application/pdf', 'text/latex', 'image/svg+xml...`` An ordered list of preferred output type, the first encountered will usually be used when converting discarding the others. WriterBase.files \: List Default: ``[]`` List of the files that the notebook references. Files will be included with written output. DebugWriter.default_language \: Unicode Default: ``'ipython'`` Deprecated default highlight language as of 5.0, please use language_info metadata instead DebugWriter.display_data_priority \: List Default: ``['text/html', 'application/pdf', 'text/latex', 'image/svg+xml...`` An ordered list of preferred output type, the first encountered will usually be used when converting discarding the others. DebugWriter.files \: List Default: ``[]`` List of the files that the notebook references. Files will be included with written output. FilesWriter.build_directory \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Directory to write output(s) to. Defaults to output to the directory of each notebook. To recover previous default behaviour (outputting to the current working directory) use . as the flag value. FilesWriter.default_language \: Unicode Default: ``'ipython'`` Deprecated default highlight language as of 5.0, please use language_info metadata instead FilesWriter.display_data_priority \: List Default: ``['text/html', 'application/pdf', 'text/latex', 'image/svg+xml...`` An ordered list of preferred output type, the first encountered will usually be used when converting discarding the others. FilesWriter.files \: List Default: ``[]`` List of the files that the notebook references. Files will be included with written output. FilesWriter.relpath \: Unicode Default: ``''`` When copying files that the notebook depends on, copy them in relation to this path, such that the destination filename will be os.path.relpath(filename, relpath). If FilesWriter is operating on a notebook that already exists elsewhere on disk, then the default will be the directory containing that notebook. StdoutWriter.default_language \: Unicode Default: ``'ipython'`` Deprecated default highlight language as of 5.0, please use language_info metadata instead StdoutWriter.display_data_priority \: List Default: ``['text/html', 'application/pdf', 'text/latex', 'image/svg+xml...`` An ordered list of preferred output type, the first encountered will usually be used when converting discarding the others. StdoutWriter.files \: List Default: ``[]`` List of the files that the notebook references. Files will be included with written output. Preprocessor Options ----------------------- .. image:: _static/preprocessor_inheritance.png Preprocessor.default_language \: Unicode Default: ``'ipython'`` Deprecated default highlight language as of 5.0, please use language_info metadata instead Preprocessor.display_data_priority \: List Default: ``['text/html', 'application/pdf', 'text/latex', 'image/svg+xml...`` An ordered list of preferred output type, the first encountered will usually be used when converting discarding the others. Preprocessor.enabled \: Bool Default: ``False`` No description CSSHTMLHeaderPreprocessor.default_language \: Unicode Default: ``'ipython'`` Deprecated default highlight language as of 5.0, please use language_info metadata instead CSSHTMLHeaderPreprocessor.display_data_priority \: List Default: ``['text/html', 'application/pdf', 'text/latex', 'image/svg+xml...`` An ordered list of preferred output type, the first encountered will usually be used when converting discarding the others. CSSHTMLHeaderPreprocessor.enabled \: Bool Default: ``False`` No description CSSHTMLHeaderPreprocessor.highlight_class \: Unicode Default: ``'.highlight'`` CSS highlight class identifier CSSHTMLHeaderPreprocessor.style \: Union Default: ```` Name of the pygments style to use ClearMetadataPreprocessor.clear_cell_metadata \: Bool Default: ``True`` Flag to choose if cell metadata is to be cleared in addition to notebook metadata. ClearMetadataPreprocessor.clear_notebook_metadata \: Bool Default: ``True`` Flag to choose if notebook metadata is to be cleared in addition to cell metadata. ClearMetadataPreprocessor.default_language \: Unicode Default: ``'ipython'`` Deprecated default highlight language as of 5.0, please use language_info metadata instead ClearMetadataPreprocessor.display_data_priority \: List Default: ``['text/html', 'application/pdf', 'text/latex', 'image/svg+xml...`` An ordered list of preferred output type, the first encountered will usually be used when converting discarding the others. ClearMetadataPreprocessor.enabled \: Bool Default: ``False`` No description ClearMetadataPreprocessor.preserve_cell_metadata_mask \: Set Default: ``set()`` Indicates the key paths to preserve when deleting metadata across both cells and notebook metadata fields. Tuples of keys can be passed to preserved specific nested values ClearMetadataPreprocessor.preserve_nb_metadata_mask \: Set Default: ``{('language_info', 'name')}`` Indicates the key paths to preserve when deleting metadata across both cells and notebook metadata fields. Tuples of keys can be passed to preserved specific nested values ClearOutputPreprocessor.default_language \: Unicode Default: ``'ipython'`` Deprecated default highlight language as of 5.0, please use language_info metadata instead ClearOutputPreprocessor.display_data_priority \: List Default: ``['text/html', 'application/pdf', 'text/latex', 'image/svg+xml...`` An ordered list of preferred output type, the first encountered will usually be used when converting discarding the others. ClearOutputPreprocessor.enabled \: Bool Default: ``False`` No description ClearOutputPreprocessor.remove_metadata_fields \: Set Default: ``{'collapsed', 'scrolled'}`` No description ConvertFiguresPreprocessor.default_language \: Unicode Default: ``'ipython'`` Deprecated default highlight language as of 5.0, please use language_info metadata instead ConvertFiguresPreprocessor.display_data_priority \: List Default: ``['text/html', 'application/pdf', 'text/latex', 'image/svg+xml...`` An ordered list of preferred output type, the first encountered will usually be used when converting discarding the others. ConvertFiguresPreprocessor.enabled \: Bool Default: ``False`` No description ConvertFiguresPreprocessor.from_format \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Format the converter accepts ConvertFiguresPreprocessor.to_format \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Format the converter writes ExecutePreprocessor.allow_error_names \: List Default: ``[]`` List of error names which won't stop the execution. Use this if the ``allow_errors`` option it too general and you want to allow only specific kinds of errors. ExecutePreprocessor.allow_errors \: Bool Default: ``False`` If ``False`` (default), when a cell raises an error the execution is stopped and a ```CellExecutionError``` is raised, except if the error name is in ``allow_error_names``. If ``True``, execution errors are ignored and the execution is continued until the end of the notebook. Output from exceptions is included in the cell output in both cases. ExecutePreprocessor.default_language \: Unicode Default: ``'ipython'`` Deprecated default highlight language as of 5.0, please use language_info metadata instead ExecutePreprocessor.display_data_priority \: List Default: ``['text/html', 'application/pdf', 'text/latex', 'image/svg+xml...`` An ordered list of preferred output type, the first encountered will usually be used when converting discarding the others. ExecutePreprocessor.enabled \: Bool Default: ``False`` No description ExecutePreprocessor.error_on_timeout \: Dict Default: ``None`` If a cell execution was interrupted after a timeout, don't wait for the execute_reply from the kernel (e.g. KeyboardInterrupt error). Instead, return an execute_reply with the given error, which should be of the following form:: { 'ename': str, # Exception name, as a string 'evalue': str, # Exception value, as a string 'traceback': list(str), # traceback frames, as strings } ExecutePreprocessor.extra_arguments \: List Default: ``[]`` No description ExecutePreprocessor.force_raise_errors \: Bool Default: ``False`` If False (default), errors from executing the notebook can be allowed with a ``raises-exception`` tag on a single cell, or the ``allow_errors`` or ``allow_error_names`` configurable options for all cells. An allowed error will be recorded in notebook output, and execution will continue. If an error occurs when it is not explicitly allowed, a ```CellExecutionError``` will be raised. If True, ```CellExecutionError``` will be raised for any error that occurs while executing the notebook. This overrides the ``allow_errors`` and ``allow_error_names`` options and the ``raises-exception`` cell tag. ExecutePreprocessor.interrupt_on_timeout \: Bool Default: ``False`` If execution of a cell times out, interrupt the kernel and continue executing other cells rather than throwing an error and stopping. ExecutePreprocessor.iopub_timeout \: Int Default: ``4`` The time to wait (in seconds) for IOPub output. This generally doesn't need to be set, but on some slow networks (such as CI systems) the default timeout might not be long enough to get all messages. ExecutePreprocessor.ipython_hist_file \: Unicode Default: ``':memory:'`` Path to file to use for SQLite history database for an IPython kernel. The specific value ``:memory:`` (including the colon at both end but not the back ticks), avoids creating a history file. Otherwise, IPython will create a history file for each kernel. When running kernels simultaneously (e.g. via multiprocessing) saving history a single SQLite file can result in database errors, so using ``:memory:`` is recommended in non-interactive contexts. ExecutePreprocessor.kernel_manager_class \: Type Default: ``'jupyter_client.manager.KernelManager'`` The kernel manager class to use. ExecutePreprocessor.kernel_name \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Name of kernel to use to execute the cells. If not set, use the kernel_spec embedded in the notebook. ExecutePreprocessor.on_cell_complete \: Callable Default: ``None`` A callable which executes after a cell execution is complete. It is called even when a cell results in a failure. Called with kwargs ```cell``` and ```cell_index```. ExecutePreprocessor.on_cell_error \: Callable Default: ``None`` A callable which executes when a cell execution results in an error. This is executed even if errors are suppressed with ```cell_allows_errors```. Called with kwargs ```cell``, ```cell_index``` and ``execute_reply``. ExecutePreprocessor.on_cell_execute \: Callable Default: ``None`` A callable which executes just before a code cell is executed. Called with kwargs ```cell``` and ```cell_index```. ExecutePreprocessor.on_cell_executed \: Callable Default: ``None`` A callable which executes just after a code cell is executed, whether or not it results in an error. Called with kwargs ```cell```, ```cell_index``` and ``execute_reply``. ExecutePreprocessor.on_cell_start \: Callable Default: ``None`` A callable which executes before a cell is executed and before non-executing cells are skipped. Called with kwargs ```cell``` and ```cell_index```. ExecutePreprocessor.on_notebook_complete \: Callable Default: ``None`` A callable which executes after the kernel is cleaned up. Called with kwargs ```notebook```. ExecutePreprocessor.on_notebook_error \: Callable Default: ``None`` A callable which executes when the notebook encounters an error. Called with kwargs ```notebook```. ExecutePreprocessor.on_notebook_start \: Callable Default: ``None`` A callable which executes after the kernel manager and kernel client are setup, and cells are about to execute. Called with kwargs ```notebook```. ExecutePreprocessor.raise_on_iopub_timeout \: Bool Default: ``False`` If ``False`` (default), then the kernel will continue waiting for iopub messages until it receives a kernel idle message, or until a timeout occurs, at which point the currently executing cell will be skipped. If ``True``, then an error will be raised after the first timeout. This option generally does not need to be used, but may be useful in contexts where there is the possibility of executing notebooks with memory-consuming infinite loops. ExecutePreprocessor.record_timing \: Bool Default: ``True`` If ``True`` (default), then the execution timings of each cell will be stored in the metadata of the notebook. ExecutePreprocessor.shell_timeout_interval \: Int Default: ``5`` The time to wait (in seconds) for Shell output before retrying. This generally doesn't need to be set, but if one needs to check for dead kernels at a faster rate this can help. ExecutePreprocessor.shutdown_kernel \: any of ``'graceful'``|``'immediate'`` Default: ``'graceful'`` If ``graceful`` (default), then the kernel is given time to clean up after executing all cells, e.g., to execute its ``atexit`` hooks. If ``immediate``, then the kernel is signaled to immediately terminate. ExecutePreprocessor.skip_cells_with_tag \: Unicode Default: ``'skip-execution'`` Name of the cell tag to use to denote a cell that should be skipped. ExecutePreprocessor.startup_timeout \: Int Default: ``60`` The time to wait (in seconds) for the kernel to start. If kernel startup takes longer, a RuntimeError is raised. ExecutePreprocessor.store_widget_state \: Bool Default: ``True`` If ``True`` (default), then the state of the Jupyter widgets created at the kernel will be stored in the metadata of the notebook. ExecutePreprocessor.timeout \: Int Default: ``None`` The time to wait (in seconds) for output from executions. If a cell execution takes longer, a TimeoutError is raised. ``None`` or ``-1`` will disable the timeout. If ``timeout_func`` is set, it overrides ``timeout``. ExecutePreprocessor.timeout_func \: Any Default: ``None`` A callable which, when given the cell source as input, returns the time to wait (in seconds) for output from cell executions. If a cell execution takes longer, a TimeoutError is raised. Returning ``None`` or ``-1`` will disable the timeout for the cell. Not setting ``timeout_func`` will cause the client to default to using the ``timeout`` trait for all cells. The ``timeout_func`` trait overrides ``timeout`` if it is not ``None``. ExtractOutputPreprocessor.default_language \: Unicode Default: ``'ipython'`` Deprecated default highlight language as of 5.0, please use language_info metadata instead ExtractOutputPreprocessor.display_data_priority \: List Default: ``['text/html', 'application/pdf', 'text/latex', 'image/svg+xml...`` An ordered list of preferred output type, the first encountered will usually be used when converting discarding the others. ExtractOutputPreprocessor.enabled \: Bool Default: ``False`` No description ExtractOutputPreprocessor.extract_output_types \: Set Default: ``{'application/pdf', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/svg+xml'}`` No description ExtractOutputPreprocessor.output_filename_template \: Unicode Default: ``'{unique_key}_{cell_index}_{index}{extension}'`` No description HighlightMagicsPreprocessor.default_language \: Unicode Default: ``'ipython'`` Deprecated default highlight language as of 5.0, please use language_info metadata instead HighlightMagicsPreprocessor.display_data_priority \: List Default: ``['text/html', 'application/pdf', 'text/latex', 'image/svg+xml...`` An ordered list of preferred output type, the first encountered will usually be used when converting discarding the others. HighlightMagicsPreprocessor.enabled \: Bool Default: ``False`` No description HighlightMagicsPreprocessor.languages \: Dict Default: ``{}`` Syntax highlighting for magic's extension languages. Each item associates a language magic extension such as %%R, with a pygments lexer such as r. LatexPreprocessor.default_language \: Unicode Default: ``'ipython'`` Deprecated default highlight language as of 5.0, please use language_info metadata instead LatexPreprocessor.display_data_priority \: List Default: ``['text/html', 'application/pdf', 'text/latex', 'image/svg+xml...`` An ordered list of preferred output type, the first encountered will usually be used when converting discarding the others. LatexPreprocessor.enabled \: Bool Default: ``False`` No description LatexPreprocessor.style \: Unicode Default: ``'default'`` Name of the pygments style to use RegexRemovePreprocessor.default_language \: Unicode Default: ``'ipython'`` Deprecated default highlight language as of 5.0, please use language_info metadata instead RegexRemovePreprocessor.display_data_priority \: List Default: ``['text/html', 'application/pdf', 'text/latex', 'image/svg+xml...`` An ordered list of preferred output type, the first encountered will usually be used when converting discarding the others. RegexRemovePreprocessor.enabled \: Bool Default: ``False`` No description RegexRemovePreprocessor.patterns \: List Default: ``[]`` No description SVG2PDFPreprocessor.command \: Union Default: ``traitlets.Undefined`` The command to use for converting SVG to PDF This traitlet is a template, which will be formatted with the keys to_filename and from_filename. The conversion call must read the SVG from {from_filename}, and write a PDF to {to_filename}. It could be a List (recommended) or a String. If string, it will be passed to a shell for execution. SVG2PDFPreprocessor.default_language \: Unicode Default: ``'ipython'`` Deprecated default highlight language as of 5.0, please use language_info metadata instead SVG2PDFPreprocessor.display_data_priority \: List Default: ``['text/html', 'application/pdf', 'text/latex', 'image/svg+xml...`` An ordered list of preferred output type, the first encountered will usually be used when converting discarding the others. SVG2PDFPreprocessor.enabled \: Bool Default: ``False`` No description SVG2PDFPreprocessor.from_format \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Format the converter accepts SVG2PDFPreprocessor.inkscape \: Unicode Default: ``''`` The path to Inkscape, if necessary SVG2PDFPreprocessor.inkscape_version \: Unicode Default: ``''`` The version of inkscape being used. This affects how the conversion command is run. SVG2PDFPreprocessor.to_format \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Format the converter writes TagRemovePreprocessor.default_language \: Unicode Default: ``'ipython'`` Deprecated default highlight language as of 5.0, please use language_info metadata instead TagRemovePreprocessor.display_data_priority \: List Default: ``['text/html', 'application/pdf', 'text/latex', 'image/svg+xml...`` An ordered list of preferred output type, the first encountered will usually be used when converting discarding the others. TagRemovePreprocessor.enabled \: Bool Default: ``False`` No description TagRemovePreprocessor.remove_all_outputs_tags \: Set Default: ``set()`` Tags indicating cells for which the outputs are to be removed,matches tags in ``cell.metadata.tags``. TagRemovePreprocessor.remove_cell_tags \: Set Default: ``set()`` Tags indicating which cells are to be removed,matches tags in ``cell.metadata.tags``. TagRemovePreprocessor.remove_input_tags \: Set Default: ``set()`` Tags indicating cells for which input is to be removed,matches tags in ``cell.metadata.tags``. TagRemovePreprocessor.remove_metadata_fields \: Set Default: ``{'collapsed', 'scrolled'}`` No description TagRemovePreprocessor.remove_single_output_tags \: Set Default: ``set()`` Tags indicating which individual outputs are to be removed,matches output *i* tags in ``cell.outputs[i].metadata.tags``. Postprocessor Options ----------------------- PostProcessorBase.default_language \: Unicode Default: ``'ipython'`` Deprecated default highlight language as of 5.0, please use language_info metadata instead PostProcessorBase.display_data_priority \: List Default: ``['text/html', 'application/pdf', 'text/latex', 'image/svg+xml...`` An ordered list of preferred output type, the first encountered will usually be used when converting discarding the others. ServePostProcessor.browser \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Specify what browser should be used to open slides. See https://docs.python.org/3/library/webbrowser.html#webbrowser.register to see how keys are mapped to browser executables. If not specified, the default browser will be determined by the `webbrowser` standard library module, which allows setting of the BROWSER environment variable to override it. ServePostProcessor.default_language \: Unicode Default: ``'ipython'`` Deprecated default highlight language as of 5.0, please use language_info metadata instead ServePostProcessor.display_data_priority \: List Default: ``['text/html', 'application/pdf', 'text/latex', 'image/svg+xml...`` An ordered list of preferred output type, the first encountered will usually be used when converting discarding the others. ServePostProcessor.ip \: Unicode Default: ``''`` The IP address to listen on. ServePostProcessor.open_in_browser \: Bool Default: ``True`` Should the browser be opened automatically? ServePostProcessor.port \: Int Default: ``8000`` port for the server to listen on. ServePostProcessor.reveal_cdn \: Unicode Default: ``'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/reveal.js/3.5.0'`` URL for reveal.js CDN. ServePostProcessor.reveal_prefix \: Unicode Default: ``'reveal.js'`` URL prefix for reveal.js Other Options ----------------------- NbConvertBase.default_language \: Unicode Default: ``'ipython'`` Deprecated default highlight language as of 5.0, please use language_info metadata instead NbConvertBase.display_data_priority \: List Default: ``['text/html', 'application/pdf', 'text/latex', 'image/svg+xml...`` An ordered list of preferred output type, the first encountered will usually be used when converting discarding the others. NotebookClient.allow_error_names \: List Default: ``[]`` List of error names which won't stop the execution. Use this if the ``allow_errors`` option it too general and you want to allow only specific kinds of errors. NotebookClient.allow_errors \: Bool Default: ``False`` If ``False`` (default), when a cell raises an error the execution is stopped and a ```CellExecutionError``` is raised, except if the error name is in ``allow_error_names``. If ``True``, execution errors are ignored and the execution is continued until the end of the notebook. Output from exceptions is included in the cell output in both cases. NotebookClient.display_data_priority \: List Default: ``['text/html', 'application/pdf', 'text/latex', 'image/svg+xml...`` An ordered list of preferred output type, the first encountered will usually be used when converting discarding the others. NotebookClient.error_on_timeout \: Dict Default: ``None`` If a cell execution was interrupted after a timeout, don't wait for the execute_reply from the kernel (e.g. KeyboardInterrupt error). Instead, return an execute_reply with the given error, which should be of the following form:: { 'ename': str, # Exception name, as a string 'evalue': str, # Exception value, as a string 'traceback': list(str), # traceback frames, as strings } NotebookClient.extra_arguments \: List Default: ``[]`` No description NotebookClient.force_raise_errors \: Bool Default: ``False`` If False (default), errors from executing the notebook can be allowed with a ``raises-exception`` tag on a single cell, or the ``allow_errors`` or ``allow_error_names`` configurable options for all cells. An allowed error will be recorded in notebook output, and execution will continue. If an error occurs when it is not explicitly allowed, a ```CellExecutionError``` will be raised. If True, ```CellExecutionError``` will be raised for any error that occurs while executing the notebook. This overrides the ``allow_errors`` and ``allow_error_names`` options and the ``raises-exception`` cell tag. NotebookClient.interrupt_on_timeout \: Bool Default: ``False`` If execution of a cell times out, interrupt the kernel and continue executing other cells rather than throwing an error and stopping. NotebookClient.iopub_timeout \: Int Default: ``4`` The time to wait (in seconds) for IOPub output. This generally doesn't need to be set, but on some slow networks (such as CI systems) the default timeout might not be long enough to get all messages. NotebookClient.ipython_hist_file \: Unicode Default: ``':memory:'`` Path to file to use for SQLite history database for an IPython kernel. The specific value ``:memory:`` (including the colon at both end but not the back ticks), avoids creating a history file. Otherwise, IPython will create a history file for each kernel. When running kernels simultaneously (e.g. via multiprocessing) saving history a single SQLite file can result in database errors, so using ``:memory:`` is recommended in non-interactive contexts. NotebookClient.kernel_manager_class \: Type Default: ``'jupyter_client.manager.KernelManager'`` The kernel manager class to use. NotebookClient.kernel_name \: Unicode Default: ``''`` Name of kernel to use to execute the cells. If not set, use the kernel_spec embedded in the notebook. NotebookClient.on_cell_complete \: Callable Default: ``None`` A callable which executes after a cell execution is complete. It is called even when a cell results in a failure. Called with kwargs ```cell``` and ```cell_index```. NotebookClient.on_cell_error \: Callable Default: ``None`` A callable which executes when a cell execution results in an error. This is executed even if errors are suppressed with ```cell_allows_errors```. Called with kwargs ```cell``, ```cell_index``` and ``execute_reply``. NotebookClient.on_cell_execute \: Callable Default: ``None`` A callable which executes just before a code cell is executed. Called with kwargs ```cell``` and ```cell_index```. NotebookClient.on_cell_executed \: Callable Default: ``None`` A callable which executes just after a code cell is executed, whether or not it results in an error. Called with kwargs ```cell```, ```cell_index``` and ``execute_reply``. NotebookClient.on_cell_start \: Callable Default: ``None`` A callable which executes before a cell is executed and before non-executing cells are skipped. Called with kwargs ```cell``` and ```cell_index```. NotebookClient.on_notebook_complete \: Callable Default: ``None`` A callable which executes after the kernel is cleaned up. Called with kwargs ```notebook```. NotebookClient.on_notebook_error \: Callable Default: ``None`` A callable which executes when the notebook encounters an error. Called with kwargs ```notebook```. NotebookClient.on_notebook_start \: Callable Default: ``None`` A callable which executes after the kernel manager and kernel client are setup, and cells are about to execute. Called with kwargs ```notebook```. NotebookClient.raise_on_iopub_timeout \: Bool Default: ``False`` If ``False`` (default), then the kernel will continue waiting for iopub messages until it receives a kernel idle message, or until a timeout occurs, at which point the currently executing cell will be skipped. If ``True``, then an error will be raised after the first timeout. This option generally does not need to be used, but may be useful in contexts where there is the possibility of executing notebooks with memory-consuming infinite loops. NotebookClient.record_timing \: Bool Default: ``True`` If ``True`` (default), then the execution timings of each cell will be stored in the metadata of the notebook. NotebookClient.shell_timeout_interval \: Int Default: ``5`` The time to wait (in seconds) for Shell output before retrying. This generally doesn't need to be set, but if one needs to check for dead kernels at a faster rate this can help. NotebookClient.shutdown_kernel \: any of ``'graceful'``|``'immediate'`` Default: ``'graceful'`` If ``graceful`` (default), then the kernel is given time to clean up after executing all cells, e.g., to execute its ``atexit`` hooks. If ``immediate``, then the kernel is signaled to immediately terminate. NotebookClient.skip_cells_with_tag \: Unicode Default: ``'skip-execution'`` Name of the cell tag to use to denote a cell that should be skipped. NotebookClient.startup_timeout \: Int Default: ``60`` The time to wait (in seconds) for the kernel to start. If kernel startup takes longer, a RuntimeError is raised. NotebookClient.store_widget_state \: Bool Default: ``True`` If ``True`` (default), then the state of the Jupyter widgets created at the kernel will be stored in the metadata of the notebook. NotebookClient.timeout \: Int Default: ``None`` The time to wait (in seconds) for output from executions. If a cell execution takes longer, a TimeoutError is raised. ``None`` or ``-1`` will disable the timeout. If ``timeout_func`` is set, it overrides ``timeout``. NotebookClient.timeout_func \: Any Default: ``None`` A callable which, when given the cell source as input, returns the time to wait (in seconds) for output from cell executions. If a cell execution takes longer, a TimeoutError is raised. Returning ``None`` or ``-1`` will disable the timeout for the cell. Not setting ``timeout_func`` will cause the client to default to using the ``timeout`` trait for all cells. The ``timeout_func`` trait overrides ``timeout`` if it is not ``None``.